Solera Water Volleyball Club Information
Do you enjoy being in the Solera at Anthem pool?
Do you have lower body joint problems?
Do you enjoy exercising with other Solera residents?
Do you like "no pressure" competition?
Then the Solera Water Volleyball Club is for you!
Newly arrived Solera resident, Susan Newman, realized that Water Volleyball was not an exercise option in Solera. She succeeded in interesting enough residents in joining her and a newly organized Water Volleyball Club was officially approved in October, 2021. Even though it is one of the most successful clubs, members continue to encourage residents to try this easy-on-the-joints sport. Beginners to experienced players are welcome!
Session Schedule
The Water Volleyball sessions held twice weekly on Wednesdays 5:30-7:00 p.m. and Saturdays 1:00-2:30 p.m. The sessions are lively, active, and judging by the laughter, great fun. Each game is played until one side scores 15 points. Water volleyball game points are won in the same way court volleyball points are scored.
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Membership Information
This club:
• does not have fees.
• has all the play equipment, i.e. beach balls, nets, score boards, etc.
• suggests that water shoes are a good idea to avoid toe injuries.
Contact Information
For additional information contact:
Susan Newman (951) 850-2595