Solera Asian Mah Jongg Information
about solera Asian mah jongg
Jongg, in general, is an ancient Chinese rummy-type game using colorful tiles instead of cards. The word mah jongg means “sparrow “and the initial shuffling of the tiles (face down) is called “twittering of the sparrows. After building the wall (representing the Great Wall of China), the Chinese press the four sides to meet at the corners so the dragons or evil spirits can’t get in. There are three suits, characters (cracks), bamboos (boos or bams) and circles (dots or spots). There are also special tiles (flowers, winds, dragons) that are used differently according to which version of the game you are using. The most common versions are Asian, British and American, however, there are other variations. There are many benefits to playing Mah Jongg and many of the other games played at Solera. Besides getting out of the house and socializing with like-minded, fun-loving people, you’ll be doing your mind a favor. You’ve heard the expression “use it or lose it”.
In Asian Mah Jongg, you attempt to collect tiles to make Pungs (three identical tiles), Kongs (four identical tiles) or Chows (a run of three tiles in the same suit). When going out you also have one pair.
Our Solera club has 65 members. Since there are no dues and no mandatory attendance requirements, the number of players varies each week. Many of the members have been playing since the inception of the club 13 years ago, others are much more recent additions. The “buy-in” is $8 but, depending on your luck, you could come out ahead or with a minimal deduction from your $8. If you lose all $8, you continue to play for free!
Meeting Schedules & Contact Information
Four week classes for beginners are held during January each year. If you just need a refresher, contact Vickie at (702) 489-7922 for information.